dijous, 23 d’agost del 2012

Born in the land of Don Quijote

On Sunday the 19th I began my holidays. One of the eggs that was ready to hatch, had not done it yet. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon I had to leave towards Castilla la Mancha. Five hours before, the egg started sweating.

At four o'clock the terrapin started opening the egg.

I took it with me. In Sagunto it left the egg and I had to clean her because the vermiculite stuck to the viteline sac. I put her on wet paper and two days later she had absorbed the sac.

This terrapin was incubated between 28,4 i 29,4ºC and it took 50 days to hatch.
Looking forward to the news of the eggs that I left home, I enjoy La Mancha, a fascinating dry land where a Clemmys is completely out of place.

Belmonte's castle



Cuenca's hanging house

A flat land as far as you can see

Don Quijote and Sancho Panza, everywhere

Yesterday I visited Campo de Criptana, in the land of giants. Coming from Osa de la Vega, where I am staying, I drove the longest straight road of my life, 9,5km without turning the driving wheel.

Don Quijote's giants

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