dimarts, 6 d’agost del 2013

Another surprise

There was finally a second clutch of three eggs on July the 10th. I didn't see the turtle nesting, it was next morning when I felt on palpation that she didn't carry the eggs. I looked for the nest and I found it in the place she usually chooses. There were three eggs.
And yesterday, on August the 4th, the first clutch eggs  hatched after 50 days at 30ºC.
First hatchling with tiny spots

Second hatchling

The third hatchling picture was very bad.

But this was not the surprise of the day. The susprise was that the same day the female started digging a nest for a third clutch. A clutch in August!


I don't know why she nested so late. The main difference with previous years it that this July has been cooler and much more rainy than usual, but I don't know if this explains a third clutch.
Could it be that I didn't notice this in previous years?
What I know for sure is that it is fantastic when they do unexpected things. Certainly this is not a boring thing to observe this species behavior.